I’m doing the Throwback Thursday thing on the blog again today. This time around I’m featuring a few of our favorite blog photos from 2008-2010.

New Era once made the awful decision of giving us free front row seats to a Yankee game. By the fifth inning Sean had yelled enough obscenities at the opposing team that they complained and had the NYPD kick us out.

The door at our old office. Everyone used to tell us we should put this pattern on a cap or tee but we never did. It was very hard to find the peephole.


This is Michelle. She is a stylist for all the mega rappers but that’s completely irrelevant. The real important matter is how stellar the organization in the back of the warehouse used to be.michelle1.jpg

Our launch party at the hotel QT pool was so insanely next level that they threatened to sue us and never had another party there again. Also the hotel eventually closed. Whatever.

Upstate. Spring. Shadows.

Matt’s boat is the best. An hour after this photo was taken we almost sank.


Jack’s tattoo.


The view walking home from the old office one night a few years back.


This is a GIF of an old Magic Tradeshow booth of ours. 6 grueling hours turned into a 1 second pic.

The best part about producing items locally is having the ability to go check in on production. This 12 color ‘Team Reason’ print was fun to watch. Naturally it was my favorite graphic of the season so it was the worst seller of the delivery.

This guy just freaking kills me every time.

Yeah. We rented a store without getting the keys to the window gate and never bothered to try to open it until two days before opening so we had to hire some mafia dude off craigslist to come cut the lock.

I call this one “Sarah in Paris hanging from a tree”

Deyrolle in Paris. One of the coolest stores there ever was.

Hen B being all patriotic and bad ass.

Awesome capture from Paris by night. This photo is three shots taken at different exposures stitched together.