Today marks the release date of PRICE’s first single entitled DAYLIGHT. This is the first of many new completely original tracks produced by Price, and his official step into the world of releasing completely original music.

The track has been the number one most played song in my iTunes for months now, and rightfully so. Those of you lucky enough to see a live performance from Price have likely heard the record before, but today for the first time you can download the song yourself for 99 cents through iTunes by clicking HERE.

This week, DJ A-Trak, one of the world’s most popular DJ’s, and a longtime Reason supporter posted an eye-opening article on HuffingtonPost (CLICK HERE to read it) – here was a quote that stuck out to me,

“…Just make sure you give your audience something new every night…. Challenge yourself to challenge the crowd. … come to the shows with an open mind. Don’t just wait to hear the songs you already know. There’s a reason you’re not watching a band. DJing is still at the cutting edge of new music. Let yourself be surprised.”

DAYLIGHT is that “something new” it’s what’s next in dance/house music. Whether you’re a DJ or a fan just leaning about EDM I urge you to buy this track, play it, and share it with the world.

Even if you don’t buy the track please give it a heart on HYPEM by clicking HERE

Click the image below to launch in iTunes