It’s been an unbelievable week at Reason. Much change is on the horizon and we’re ready as ever to share all our upcoming special projects, product releases, and new developments with you.

One great way to keep in touch with all your favorite @questionsandconfessions daily happenings is to friend us on this newfangled app that’s taking off called Instagram. Keep up with all the daily updates from the Outpost iPad by adding us on instagram (or Twitter for that matter) by searching for us at @questionsandconfessions –

On that note, here’s a re-cap of this weeks Outpost Instagram-

Friends doing holiday shopping-

This is the LEGENDARY Arturo Vega. Original designer of the original iconic Ramones logo that we parodied for OUR legendary diplomats parody tee. He loved the design and told us it was THE best flip of the graphic that he’s seen in his career!

One eye Willy Wu – capo status-

Adeoye- a new addition to the team in recent months and one of the most trusted new members of the Reason family. We’re grateful and happy to have you on the team Adeoye.


Nick Johansen, our store manager, in house illustrator, and all around nice guy. Trust me, those great reviews for the Outpost on Yelp aren’t because of me and Price, it’s because Nick is great at what he does.

These shots are from the premier of his Young Rich and Aimless art show at the Outpost last week-


Jesse Highstine, another member of our Reason family-


So much I could say about this picture that i’ll leave for another post. Phil Wong and Anthony Arias. Our partners and co-owners in Reason.


This week the Reason Outpost became the only store in the world to carry these official Mars Bar NYC tribute tees. All the proceeds go to InkWell Foundation, a charity supporting volunteers providing therapeutic drawing sessions for hospitalized children.


After his visit at the shop Arturo Vega came back and laced Nick with one of these exclusive Ramones tees-


This is some of the work from the show. The pieces will remain up through this week for viewing-

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