Today we had the privilege of checking out some of the finest real estate the Lower East Side has to offer.

Which is pretty painful considering that this is what we walked into-


Fortunately we got sidetracked and ended up eating at Meatball Shop on Stanton street afterwards. Neither Jon or myself had been before and both of us kind of walked in with a ‘whatever, how good could this place possibly be, it’s gotta all be hype’ attitude.


Which was quickly corrected. This place lives up to the hype. We ate so fast I couldn’t even catch a nice shot of one of the full plates.

This was the spicy pork and pesto sauce-


And here’s the classic beef meatball with parmesan cream sauce. Winner in my book.


Clean plate club. Meatball Shop is at 84 Stanton Street between Allen and Orchard in Gdańsk City.
