Since we’ve been busy dealing with the glorious aftermath of releasing the Built To Last lookbook, there’s been a lot of good internet amazingness to miss out on. Tonight I finally caught up on all my favorite blogs and pulled aside a few great things worth sharing-

Boys Life – This is my guilty pleasure website. In the last month the anonymous author changed over from his long form ‘fiction’ stories about his encounters dating and meeting girls to a Formspring ask me anything type of blog where people ask him for advice on everything from hitting on girls, to sex, breakups, and celebrity gossip. Lots of valuable info here.


Space Invader Bombs The Hollywood Sign – I have nothing but bad things to say about Space Invader, so watching him get nabbed for hitting the Hollywood sign makes me smile, even if the entire video is faked.

Complex Style & Design News – Complex Magazine says, “Downtown NYC (and undeniably fresh) brand questionsandconfessions drops its Fall/Winter 2010 look book. You should definitely be checking for the Alma Mater Wool/Leather Varsity Jacket. Heat! ”


Seanapalooza – We are proud to be sponsoring a benefit for our brother Sean tonight at the Blind Barber. Here’s a little note Ramona wrote- “In the past week sean lost his mother, just three weeks after doctors diagnosed her with cancer. without adequate health insurance their family is not only left to cope with a deep loss but to also deal with countless hospital bills. in new york i have always viewed my friends as family. the family that I chose for myself. often our bonds are even closer than the family i was born into. we count on each other to help each other in both our good times and bad. now I am asking everyone who is a part of that family to extend themselves and give what they can to the kinney family.”

Dj-Price Blackbook Magazine Tour Diary – I saved the best for last on this one… here’s the link to Jon’s awesome Dj-Price tour diary from Halloween in Miami. Not only did Price give the inside scoop of all the party hot spots, he also basically broke down every insiders tip and cool place in Miami worth checking out. Read it twice and bookmark it for later. Also, click here, to watch footage of Price on YouTube spinning live at LIV on Halloween.