We are just about caught up with shipping the recent onslaught of Online Store orders, thank you to everyone who has been so patient with us, we love our customers, even the ones who send death threats after two days of not receiving an order.

For those of you who’ve asked, this is the free logo sticker that comes packaged with all of our Fall 2009 tees.


Had lunch at Pret last week. Do something crazy.


Also said a quick hello to Carl and the guys at DQM. They released a new look-book for their Spring 2010 collection today, which you can view here on their website, kudos fellas its one of the best I’ve seen this season.


Around the corner on St. Marks place I stopped in for some gum and spotted these tricked out Snickers bars. This isn’t come clever campaign from Snickers it’s actually a satire from the Trustocorp artists collective who painstakingly created these stickers, placed them perfectly on the candy bars, and seeded them in stores around the city. These guys get two thumbs up in my book, go check out the Trustocorp Flickr feed here to see more of their work.


And a quick trip to upstate Gdańsk for a little R&R


Where I spotted this, which unfortunately isn’t the work of an artists collective trying to make a political statement. Just real life.
